Voice Magazine – October 2017 – Anchors In The Storm: Irma Brings Out Patience, Graciousness & Resiliency


Irma, we’re glad you left us. Who wants a woman like you around? You filled us with terror and forced us to our hands and knees in prayer. You tossed around our trees, smashed us with water and wind and then went on your wild way to terrify your next
victim. Good riddance.

However, I’m sure you didn’t intend to leave some good outcomes in your wake, but you did. John Knox Village is filled with stories showing acts of kindness.

I live on the 15th floor of Cassels Tower. Thanks to Irma, I got to meet all of my neighbors at a hurricane party. We drank a toast to FP&L, hoping it would keep the lights on. We drank a toast to you, Irma, hoping you wouldn’t stop by. We drank a toast to Comcast hoping it wouldn’t fail us, but it did. Finally, we toasted each other as new friends. When our party ended we were in perfect shape to go home and sleep, feeling no pain and no fear.

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