Take a Tour: Purchasing an all inclusive Life Care policy and becoming a resident at John Knox Village is the best gift for you and your family. Come meet one of our Life Care Counselors and discover the benefits of The Village. Take a tour, see our apartments and villas, enjoy lunch and meet other seniors who wish they had made the decision to move here sooner. Call us at (954) 783-4040 to make an appointment.
Upcoming Events: Whether it is Lunch and Learns, Real Estate or Long-Term Care Seminars, concerts, our Senior Connection Club, or other major events, our Marketing Department plans activities for seniors, age 62 and greater, who are interested in the John Knox Village lifestyle and benefits. Join us for some of our upcoming calendared events. Make a reservation by calling (954) 783-4040 or e-mail (events@jkvfl.com).
Staycations: For seniors out of the area who are serious about researching their retirement options, John Knox Village has a Staycation opportunity. Arrange dates with our Life Care Counselors who will organize your visit. Stay in one of our apartments, meet some residents, attend campus activities, and eat in our Dining Room. It is an experience that has helped numerous long-distance prospects make the decision to become residents.