Senior Connection


The Senior Connection Club is a fun community outreach program for seniors and is coordinated by John Knox Village. With its 900 residents, John Knox Village has the staff and experience in planning activities that are enjoyable and inexpensive for our Club members.

For a small annual fee, you can become a member of the Senior Connection Club!

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The focus of the Senior Connection Club is to provide opportunities for those age 62 and greater to build friendships by sharing entertainment, activities, events, and travel. Most of the events are free, for others simply pay your own way.

senior-connection-01-300wIt’s a Club that allows members to share their ideas. Let us plan monthly restaurant outings, educational and fun events at John Knox Village, trips to area attractions and more!

To learn about the Senior Connection Club and its numerous benefits, please call the John Knox Village Marketing Department at (954) 783-4040 or e-mail (